Prince Of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (Wii)

Prince of Persia: Forgotten Sands Box Artwork
7 Overall Score
Graphics: 6/10
Mechanics: 8/10
Story: 7/10

Solid gameplay

Wii-limited graphics

Game Info

GAME NAME: Prince Of Persia: The Forgotten Sands




GENRE(S): Action adventure, platformer

RELEASE DATE(S): May 18, 2010


 Let’s start out by saying this: The Wii version is NOT the same game as the PS3/360 version. They are two very different entities, story and gameplay-wise. Ubisoft and its various children studios made sure that the Wii version was not a watered-down piece of garbage, and for that I am thankful.

Forgotten Sands takes place somewhere between the original Sands Of Time and it’s sequel, Warrior Within. Given the seven year chronological gap, it’s no wonder they’ve based two games in this time frame. The Prince finds himself talking to a djinn (that’s a genie) who seems to want him to rid the kingdom of it’s dark influence. Through magic. Sounds exactly like the plot of the newest Prince Of Persia (simply called Prince Of Persia), except replace the genie with the princess Elika and there you go. The Prince himself is the only fairly strong character in this game, which is a shame. Don’t come for the story, I’ll say that.

However, where FS really shines is the gameplay. It really feels like the original Sands Of Time, with some Wii implementations and improvements. I say that with a bit of a grimace, because the “awesome Wii controls” they gave The Two Thrones (the third in the Sands Of Time trilogy) were not very good. These, however, are. You’ll wall run, column jump, roll, and fight, and there are new things like creating magic hooks on walls to grab which feel fun as hell. My one complaint here is that some of the fighting can be frustrating. I’m looking in your direction, Monsters With Shields Who Are Nearly Impossible To Kill Without Luck. Still, I love the way this game plays.

Forgotten Sands looks decent. It’s not one of the prettier games for the Wii, but it also certainly isn’t the ugliest. The voice-acting is decent enough, but nothing ever goes above “average”. Musically, when there actually is music to speak of, it’s pretty. There’s actually a beautiful intro in which a male voice reads a poem in Persian while a lush but minimal tune plays under it which really struck me. Things like that are a very nice touch.

It’s not perfect, and it’s not the best in the series, but if you want a really fun, solid platformer, this is your game. I give it a 7 out of 10.


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