is an amateur review site about video games with but one purpose; letting you know whether a game is worth spending your hard-earned cash for.
I have been a gamer since the inception of the genre and the one thing that has haunted me for all my gaming years is the internal debate of whether a game will be worth the cash I’m about to spend on it. I am here to give you, the reader, my perspective on the games that I am playing and let you know if they are worth paying your hard-earned cash for.
As more and more games are being developed on increasingly higher-end systems, at increasingly higher-end price points, with increasing multiplayer capacity, it’s nice to be able to turn somewhere and get some worthwhile input on what all this means; both to your wallet and for your gaming experience. is offering just that. I review the games that I rent and buy with my own dirty little dollars. I receive no compensation from anyone for my efforts and I’m more than happy to give you the straight dope on the latest releases, be it good, bad, ugly or what have you.
Michael Bartok