Podcast Archive: H2MMO Podcast: Episode 10 – Noble 6, Elite!

H2MMO.com: How to MMO

This is an archived post for my old H2MMO.com podcast; enjoy!

Ok, so things haven’t settled down a bit in real life; thus the delay in getting this podcast out. But, never fear! Here it is – H2MMO Podcast Episode 10! We recorded this one on October 4th. Come join me, Brandon, and Matt as we discuss the merits of Halo: Reach and Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions. We also talk about the impending releases of Fable 3, Civilization 5, and a smaller title called Dungeon Defenders. Finally, we wrap things up with a little round-table discussion of Lord of the Rings Online going free-to-play. So, strap yourselves in for more creamy goodness directed straight at your ears!

Once again, we’d like to thank Blind Monkeez for lending their awesome music to the podcast, and you the listeners for taking the time to listen to us babble on about video games. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or any urge at all to contact us, e-mail us at: h2mmo.blog@gmail.com.

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