Podcast Archive: H2MMO Podcast: Episode 6 – 232,000 out of 6 Crazy Gravity Craps Agree!

H2MMO.com: How to MMO

This is an archived post for my old H2MMO.com podcast; enjoy!

Woot! Time for more of the dulcet tones of the rabid monkeys who bring you the H2MMO Podcast! Welcome to Episode 6 where we review 3D Dot Game Heroes, Monster Hunter Tri, and Red Dead Redemption. We giggle with glee about the upcoming releases of Super Mario Galaxy 2, LEGO Harry Potter, Years 1-4, and Transformers: War for Cybertron. In MMO news, we talk about the last episode of Lost, more Monster Hunter Tri (multiplayer), and the latest news on the Star Wars: The Old Republic combat system. And we laugh a lot. I mean to say, a lot.

Once again, we’d like to thank Blind Monkeez for lending their awesome music to the podcast, and you the listeners for taking the time to listen to us babble on about video games. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or any urge at all to contact us, e-mail us at: h2mmo.blog@gmail.com.

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Author: Michael Bartok View all posts by

3 Comments on "Podcast Archive: H2MMO Podcast: Episode 6 – 232,000 out of 6 Crazy Gravity Craps Agree!"

  1. Sidney Friedman November 5, 2010 at 3:30 am - Reply

    Hello, guys,your blog is really great! I like it.

  2. Santa's Helper December 24, 2010 at 9:44 am - Reply

    What would you recommend for a 10 year old? A Wii or an Xbox 360?

    • MikeB December 24, 2010 at 1:08 pm - Reply

      Offhand, I’d a say a Wii. But it really depends on the kid. Kids today are much more tech-savy than not. My little cousin is 11 and he plays on his father’s PS3 all the time, but the games are much more mature on the PS3 and Xbo 360. If you want a family oriented console, go with the Wii. If not, try the Xbox 360 (or PS3).

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